Nachhaltige Einweghandtücher & mehr für die Friseur- & Beauty-Branche
Mit Scrummis biologisch abbaubaren, nachhaltigen Handtüchern sparst du Zeit und Geld. Schluss mit endlosem Waschen, Trocknen und Falten wie bei normalen Baumwollhandtüchern. Und das Beste: Nie wieder horrende Waschkosten!
Du bist Unternehmer*in in der Haar- und Wellness-Branche? Mit Scrummi kannst du bis zu 90 %* deiner Wäschekosten einsparen. So hast du nicht nur zufriedenere Mitarbeiter*innen (denn wer macht schon gern die Wäsche...), sondern tust dabei auch der Umwelt etwas Gutes.
Für Friseursalons
Für Beauty-Salons
Für Spas & Wellness-Center
*cost savings vary from business to business, try our cost calculator to get a more accurate idea of what you could be saving.
Try Scrummi for free!
Find out moreTry before you switch to make sure you are happy with Scrummi. We’re so confident you’ll love them, we are giving them away for free!
B-Corp Certification
Our hard work and dedication to sustainability paid off in 2022 when we achieved the coveted B-Corp certification — proof that Scrummi meets (and will continue to meet) B Lab UK’s stringent criteria for responsible and ethical business practices.
Scrummi: more than just a towel
We know that, for you, a Scrummi is more than just a towel.
It’s the freedom from the tyranny of endless laundry. The freedom from rising laundry costs. The freedom from worrying about your
business’s carbon footprint.
But it's more than that to us too! We're a tight-knit family that values our team, cherishes our customers, and passionately cares for the planet we all call home.
Using Scrummi towels is a no brainer!
Less work, minimal cost, aesthetically pleasing and saving the environment! Plus you can make your towel wraps more creative! I told you, no brainer! - Ky'Cut Wilson, The Social