Scrummi disposable towels and sheets have been designed for minimal end-of-life impact

and there are multiple ways of disposing of your used Scrummi products.

General Business Waste

Scrummi towels are plant-based and biodegradable (made from wood!). Sometimes the best option is to pop your used products into your general business waste. In the UK, EU, and most other countries, this means that your towels will go to an energy-from-waste facility where they will be cleanly burnt to generate clean energy.

Commercial Composting

Recycle them — and turn your waste into valuable compost!

The full Scrummi range is suitable for commercial composting alongside other non-food compostables such as food packaging, coffee cups etc. Scrummi is certified as commercially compostable to EN13432 standards by TÜV Austria.

We recommend the following providers as a convenient composting option:

 North West

·      Food for Soil

London & South East

 ·      Recorra

For more information and to find out if Recorra can collect in your area, please contact Recorra for more information or view their service guide. 

Specialist Salon Waste Collector

Specialist salon waste collectors will ensure your used Scrummis are processed in a way that causes minimal environmental impact.

We recommend the following commercial waste collection providers:



Home Composting

As a professional product, Scrummi towels have not been independently tested for home composting as it is not considered a practical end-of-life solution for most users. However, we do have customers who have told us that they take their used Scrummis home and throw them in their compost bin.

Give it a try!

Please note:

Scrummis cannot be recycled with paper.

This is because the wood fibres we use are a different shape and size to those used in paper. The outcome is that even though they are both made from wood, Scrummi products are super strong and will not break down in the paper recycling process.

Explore our range of eco-friendly salon and spa towels